Ghost recon and ridge racer seem to be at least sorta fun. But ya there's no doubt the launch lineup is turning out to be mediocre(though that may even be a stretch).
Looking forward to the coming months though. If things aren't delayed, the 3DS should pick up nicely. Though, i wont be putting aside my PSP and DS anytime soon.
Ridge Racer I agree with but imo the PSP version, which is a launch title sorta looks better but maybe it's cuz I haven't had hands-on experience with the 3DS version yet.:P
Ghost Recon honestly doesn't look like a 3DS title, haven't tried but hearing how it was supposed to be a DS game to begin with... Eh.
I'd still pick Pilotwings Resort over those two though.:)
Ya i don't have alot of faith in RR or GR, i'm just going on some of the reviews i read/the hot spot. Right now they seem a little promising. Not classic, AAA, save the launch kind of games unfortunately. But maybe they'll be fun to mess around with while we wait for the true killer games?
I won't be buying any of the launch titles however, I'll buy DOA: Dimensions and mainly waiting for OoT once it's out in June.:P
I have Pokemon Black to take care of me and my laptop + PS3 so yayy.:P
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